4 Fl.oz Premium Liquid Gold St.John’s Wort Herbal Oil Pure&Organic Skin Hair Nail Health Review

4 Fl.oz Premium Liquid Gold St.John's Wort Herbal Oil Pure&Organic Skin Hair Nail Health

  • Whether you have oily or dry skin, this herb helps to kill bacteria and calm irritation so your skin looks smoother and healthier. Plus, it helps plump and hydrate skin while restoring elasticity, reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Scientifically called Hypericum perforatum, St. John’s wort is also nicknamed goatweed, amber, Klamath weed, and tipton weed. A shrubby perennial plant, it has bright, yellow 5-petaled flowers.
  • Support elasticity: Elastin in your skin gives it “snap,” helping it to retain its original shape even after you make an expression. Over time, the skin produces less elastin, and what we have can become aged and damaged. St. John’s wort helps support healthy elastin production, reducing the appearance of fine lines.
  • Hydrating: It has natural essential oils in it that hydrate and plump up the skin, making it appear more fresh and dewy.
  • Soothing: If you have skin redness or irritation, this is your herb. It helps tame inflammation and soothe itching and burning, making skin more comfortable.

All our oils are fresh and bottled daily. Expiration date is at least 12 month from sale date
Organic Ingredients:100% Pure St.John’s Wort Herbal Oil
Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum
Extraction Method: infused in Olive oil refined
Color: Light orange to reddish liquid
Aromatic Description: Typical and Characteristic Oily Odor
St. John’s Wort wart Herbal Oil
Made from scratch using the purest organic St.John’s Wort herbs and pure refined olive oil
Infused from the blossoms at just the right stage, this infused oil has a characteristic red color. Anti-inflammatory, particularly soothing to inflamed nerves, helpful for cases of neuralgia, sciatica and fibrositis.
St. John’s Wort infused oil is useful in treating all inflamed nerve conditions: neuralgia, sciatica, firbositis, etc. It is useful in treating sunburn, since it actually lowers skin temperature. For sunburn it is also good to add Lavender essential oils.
St. John’s Wort has become extremely popular in recent decades as a potential cure-all herbal remedy for a wide swath of conditions. St. John’s Wort is a small flowering plant from the Hypericum genus that has the scientific name of Hypericum perforatum, and it grows wild in Europe, but has since spread to the Americas, Russia, Asia, China, and the Middle East. You might know St. John’s Wort by a different name, such as rosin rose or goatweed, but they all have the same impact! The vast range of its health effects make St. John’s Wort such an important factor in herbal supplementation, and it is now widely available throughout the world.

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